Tuesday, April 18, 2023

photo swap

Thank you for all the good wishes and confidence in my ability to take good photos. The photographer turned out to be the partner of someone I adore in one of my classes, so I felt quite at ease + I wore an Indian scarf and felt grounded and comfortable. 

Despite all that though, I somehow look exceedingly stiff and startled in the picture. Ah. C'est la vie. It's unlikely that this copyrighted, corporate photo will be used for anything other than the press release anyway. 

Pic: The photo that brought me joy today was Nu's picture of Scout and Huck keeping me warm. Their touching butts make a heart shape if you squint just right.


Sarah said...

Such a sweet dog pic.

Gillian said...

heart butt shapes.

Nicole said...

Oh, what a sweet photo.

maya said...

Thank you, friends 💗

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...