Tuesday, March 28, 2023

by night and candlelight

I found this lovely Jeanette Winterson lifestyle quote yesterday, which got me reassessing dawn and dusk:
"I have noticed that when all the lights are on, people tend to talk about what they are doing–their outer lives. Sitting round in candlelight or firelight, people start to talk about how they are feeling–their inner lives... To sit alone without any electric light is curiously creative. I have my best ideas at dawn or at nightfall, but not if I switch on the lights...." (The entire thing, including some yummy food ideas, is here.)

I started today with a candlelight meditation... and look at me now, headed to bed before midnight like some fucking champion functioning adult.

Pic: A single lit votive brings glimmer to everyday objects. (The tiny, dried wildflowers I bought home from Las Ramblas last summer are a shot of joy every time I look at them. I remember how the vendor was so engrossed in his book, he didn't even look up as he pocketed the Euro I held out and handed this bunch over to me.)


StephLove said...

I think we need it all, light and dark.

Gillian said...

Good night.

NGS said...

What an interesting quote. I have a friend who always does a winter solstice bonfire and the conversations always do end up being much more philosophical than you might imagine when you start the night! Maybe I should start doing some candlelight meditation in the evening. What an inspiring idea!

maya said...

I like candlelight a lot... worry a bit about swishy pet tails and falling asleep before putting it out...

Sarah said...

Love this and the idea of candlelight meditation.


I walk this earth  as though  I own those skies in  daylight and delight wet, velvety evening and night  __________________ Pic: Someone'...