Tuesday, February 28, 2023

two weeks...

My first day walking on the MSU campus since... since the mass shooting two weeks ago. Their 'spirit rock' has been turned into an impromptu shrine--flowers and offerings everywhere. 

Two weeks is a long time to forgo the walk along the river I love so much. Instead of telling myself I would be safe, I had to tell myself that really, it's not like any place in the U.S. safe--to make myself go back. 

Sirens still provoke a very visceral response no matter where I happen to be--grocery store, piercing studio, home... I imagine this sort of thing takes a while to heal.

Thankfully, it was an uneventful walk down one of my favorite paths. Big A was joking about us doing this walk when we're into our triple digits. (Yes, I didn't do this by myself, I had significant emotional support.)

Pic: MSU 'spirit rock' now with a tent and seating. 


Nicole said...

I think it will probably take a long time before sirens don't trigger a response. I'm glad you could take your walk though. xo

Gillian said...

Happy for you.

NGS said...

I've been seeing so many photos of campus and it's good to see what life looks like at MSU these days. Hugs to you and here's to many more walks along that river.

StephLove said...

I'm glad you were able to return to a place you love.

Sarah said...

SO glad you could return and that you had emotional support. Cheers to triple digits.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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