Monday, February 13, 2023

sheltering in place

So... there was a mass shooting on the MSU campus this evening. Three people were killed and five are critically wounded. The shooter is still at large. 

Helicopters are hovering, sirens are blaring, I've locked the doors, set the alarms, turned off the lights, and am trying to keep Scout and Huck calm. Nu is, thankfully, safe in bed and fast asleep.

I'm learning that a lot of my friends listen to the police scanner. Friends in class and at meetings have had to shelter in place for hours (it's now past midnight).  And I guess this is now national news as friends are texting from Texas and Minneapolis and DC and so on. The shooting started at Berkey Hall (where I used to teach) and the latest shots were heard at Hubbard Hall (across the street from us). 

Actually though, I'm not feeling particularly scared. I dozed for a while and woke up a bit worried that I might feel sorry if the shooter showed up at our place since everyone is after them... This is uncool as there are people dead... but I guess I imagine that people who do this are not ok themselves...

Pic: I tried to take a picture of the moon this morning when Huck, Scout and I walked with Nu to the school bus stop, but Scout was jerking me around as usual and I ended up with this sequence of cool blurs. That tall blur is Hubbard Hall, where law enforcement is concentrated right now.


Nicole said...

Oh, Maya. I am sending all the love. And also? All the anger. I am so angry that this is part of life now.

Gillian said...

Sorry bad news. Stay safe.

StephLove said...

I didn't hear about it until it was over, but I'm glad you're safe. What a terrible experience. And all too common.

NGS said...

It's so scary to think about how vulnerable we are in public, including or maybe especially on school campuses. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that and I hope everyone you know is safe.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Sending an enormous hug from afar. It's a really scary situation.

maya said...

Thank you, kind friends. It does seem like a really broken system we're living with right now.

Chiconky said...

I am so, so sorry, and so, so angry, that you had to have that experience. I'm glad you and the kids are safe.

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...