Sunday, February 12, 2023

words, words, veggies

Earlier this week, I was invited to say a few words about love at today's UU sermon. I started with one of my favorite writers--the late, great June Jordan who wrote at the intersections of feminism and anti-racism and her statement that "none of us have known enough tenderness." How right she sounds--and how I want to do everything to change that. 

I teach, so I'm no longer afraid of public speaking, but my heart rate certainly galloped when I climbed up to the stage and saw all the rows of semi-familiar faces. Nu was such a great support and hype-person all morning.

Pic: Superbowl? More like super foods bowl. Haha. Nu and I were so charmed that that tomato is so Valentine-themed. It reminded me of my long-ago peace tomato.


Nicole said...

"none of us have known enough tenderness" - yes to that, and yes to changing that!
Heart tomato!

Gillian said...

Tomato messages.

StephLove said...

Cute tomato. I hope your talk went well.

Sarah said...

Love the tomato! Also, racing heart is good, really, because it gives you an energy boost.

maya said...

Of course you'd like that, Nicole <3!
LOL, Gillian.
StephLove, I forgot a key phrase, but no one noticed. Sarah, Yes! I'm all for that.

A beast and some beauty

It was a beast of a day. The college board has decided that with declining numbers they'll need to cut 33 full-time positions to stay fi...