Thursday, February 23, 2023

OMG/ChatGPT/Canon in D

I took a trip down memory lane earlier this week when I recalled the first time I heard Pachelbel's "Canon in D". 

Then on a whim I sauntered down AI Alley when I asked ChatGPT to write me a poem based on that incident. ChatGPT obliged with the poem on the left. 

It's quite the doggerel. 

Which is why I don't share the moral panic about students using it to cheat on essays and exams. From everything I've seen, ChatGPT seems to tend towards the bland and the banal. I think I'd be able to tell something was off from the odd combination of impeccable grammar and tediously repetitive sentences.

Famous last words as I head off to grade midterm essays and exams...


Nicole MacPherson said...

I heard someone create a letter on a podcast, using AI, and it was really creepy!

Sarah said...

I also don;t care about the AI issue. Like, design better assignments?

StephLove said...

Hmm, not exactly your style.

maya said...

Nicole--right? So uncanny.
Sarah--thanks for saying that! That's what I say (in my head) when people say they're worried about students using it!
StephLove--LOL. I mean I write a lot of bad poetry, but not like this.

Gillian said...

AI is useful for coding.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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