Thursday, November 24, 2022


These once baby people set the table and set us up for a good time. 

We usually do some version of saying what we're thankful for--sometimes filling whole sheets in alphabetical order. This time we went around the table taking turns with the alphabet. I  was very embarrassed when I got a bit stuck on "O." 

Also, I was a pill trying to edit people's choices: "say you're thankful for "Dad."" Thankfully, my family loves me and thinks I'm hilarious. 

And then, my darlings started with an abecedary of insults... we couldn't think of anything for "G." 

Later, a quick walk down the street, crisp with leaves and fragrant with neighbors' wood stoves, to join LB and TB's riotous feast where we saw old friends and lots of new people. At was a bit of a rockstar what with their appearance in Michael Moore's Substack and what not. And then everyone piled into the car to take At back to their place. 


StephLove said...

That alphabet game sounds like quite the challenge. I kind of love that you did it with insults next.

maya said...

StephLove 🤣
A child who will go far posted a useful link on family chat:

Nicole said...

"Thankfully my family loves me" - I think this often when I'm joking around!

maya said...

Nicole--And when I mess up... which is often!

colorless green idea

The more things change...  the more they are changed , I guess?  Pictures of me passed ou t with puppies on top  aren't new... but this...