Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Say "ah"

Quick visit to the doc for a second series of shots for Scout and Huck. They were so excited to be in the exam room squeaking and panting, they kind of took my mind off earlier this morning... 

...which was full of durm and strang with Nu just refusing to go to school. (Not asking, plain refusing.) When I called the school, they advised me to call the police, and at that point I just gave up. I'm not sure what good could come of calling the police on a trans kid. I'm so out of my depth over here.


Nicole MacPherson said...

This was a roller coaster, I was just about to squeal over the puppy pics, but then...I'm so sorry you and Nu are having a hard time. It seems weird to me that the school's only advice was to call the police. I hope in time there will be a good solution but in the meantime, sending all the strong mama love I have. Parenting is hard, and I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I have no advice, just hugs. xo

StephLove said...

I'm sorry. No advice, though. North missed a lot of school last year. By fourth quarter it was once or twice a week and I'm really not sure they actually had migraines all those days but there was no way to know on any given day. So I've been on tenterhooks every day this week to see if they will go. So far we're three for three.

Gillian said...

At least dogs are cute.

maya said...

Indeed, Gillian :)! That's what got me through the day. Thank you so, SO much Nicole and StephLove! We have sought out a ton of professional support, so on a good day--or when we're in a good stretch--I believe we'll overcome. Yesterday wasn't a good day, however--and your kind words made such a positive impact when I read them. Thank you.

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...