Sunday, May 29, 2022

full circle/circle of love

The newly wed baby cousin was coming to lunch/linner today. As I finished cooking one set of dishes, it made me smile because I had used the pots and pans her parents had gifted me when I got married. 

I took this picture to send to her mom, and we've been calling it the full circle/circle of love because I happened to be listening the Sunday Puzzle on the radio, and it's kind of like this challenge?

An otherwise quiet day--apart from that one elaborate meal--I didn't get much done. (And that's ok!)


Nicole said...

How wonderful, Maya!

Gillian said...

Is that Calphalon? They last forever.

StephLove said...

That's sweet. And an elaborate meal is definitely accomplishing something.

maya said...

Gillian--Yes! Good eye!

Thanks, Nicole and StephLove!

"is it sad or is it good?"

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