Saturday, May 28, 2022

all empty and all full

The city has emptied out--what with the end of the MSU semester, graduating students, and the long Memorial Day weekend ahead of us. 

I was on my own for dinner tonight, so after I fed Scout and Huck, I had a whole column of pistachio baklava and about half of a small watermelon. 

I regret nothing.

Pic: The largest solar carport in North America had just three parked cars on this morning's walk with L. 


Nicole said...

LOLOLOL your dinner reminds me of my life as a single girl - I would frequently have popcorn and wine for dinner. I love it! Happy long weekend to you. xo

StephLove said...

I used to tell the kids a meal should have a protein and a fruit or vegetable and pistachios have protein so you're all set.

maya said...

I have had that fancy meal too, Nicole...
StephLove: Wise words (and interpretation), friend!

Thanks for the chuckles, both of you!

Gillian said...

We have a bakery with sugar free sweets. They can ship too.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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