Monday, May 16, 2022

excerpts from panic attacks

my heartbeat is hardening
I'm magnified in my smallness
I think this happens to me
I find this happens to everyone
the day is full of promise
that breaks over and over again 
I'm comfortable (in distance)
I'm complete (completely exhausted)
first I try to tame the animal 
burrowing its own trench in my heart
next I begin to tell you 
the stories I need you to tell me today


Gillian said...

Feel better.

Nicole said...

xoxoxo my friend

maya said...

Thank you Gillian; thank you, Nicole <3

StephLove said...

I hope it's better now.

I like the close.

maya said...

Yes, StephLove; thank you. (Some days are better. The daily frequency has amped up in the pandemic, but I've lived with this for years now.)

oh, snap(shot)

Pic: I am well-loved tonight. Max and Huck are "hugging" me.  Earlier this day, I tried to take a cherry blossom family pic outsid...