Friday, April 22, 2022

there's no sadness in spring

this is how it is some times
the edges so sharp they cut 
through inertia and errands
the days passing like hours

how green aches into limbs 
darkness detailing the edges 
tight with herds of budding 
water cold, crunchy as glass 

I'm the only one here alone 
and I think I spy on myself: 
What will I do next? What
if I make a sudden move?

Pic: Red Cedar River seen from MSU's campus.


Gillian said...

I like the water like glass and spying on yourself.

StephLove said...

This does remind me of slow, Midwestern springs in Ohio (college) and Iowa (grad school).

a night different from others: four answers to questions unasked

1) The MSU Gaza solidarity encampment moved indoors a couple of times yesterday because of storms but was back outside today. Morale is high...