Thursday, April 21, 2022

a reminder that "doing the most" is not an accolade

April showers, check; April flowers, check.

I'm excited my favorite part of the year (the warm part) is almost here. I'm not even sad/mad that my sabbatical is now officially over (as this is finals week). I think I've garnered a few professional responsibilities and established some working/writing habits I can continue over the summer. 

In the meantime (just) today: I helped lead a WIAB meeting, joined an AC shared governance team, drafted a SLSA proposal with EM, and wrote up a panel and roundtable for the SA caucus.



Pic: Daffodil Hill near the Radiology Gardens


StephLove said...

It does sound like you've been pretty busy during sabbatical. I hope it felt balanced and fruitful.

maya said...

It did, StephLove; thank you. I didn't get much writing done, but it was still quite satisfying.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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