Friday, March 18, 2022

running, running

Having grad school feels today, I guess. It's application decision time everywhere, and students, friends, wards are waiting to hear where they've matched at grad schools and residencies and internships. I did my part by trying to get the admin stuff for MacCurdy (the women's house I advise) done. In fact, formatting it all for the board took so much time that I forgot to run before my massage. 

My (teensy) puritanical streak dictates that I do something physically strenuous before a massage. I have to "deserve" it. Well, I showed up in my undeserving state, and it was still a great massage. And I guess my muscles hadn't turned to slush overnight, as R, the masseuse, asked if I wanted to run a 5K with them. Yes! I like R a lot--they remind me of my Nu--and I'm happy we have plans to run together. 

Lots of cozy chats with people in different timezones (JG, mom, sis, cousins, BS) and finally finished Badhai Do, the gay Indian film streaming on Netflix that everyone loved so much. I went in wanting to like it, but it didn't grab me right away (maybe because of the small town affect and aesthetics?) but by the time the obligatory pride parade rolled around, I was (predictably) in tears. 

Dinner and cuddles with Nu, Scout, and Huckie and then off to read in bed. Big A is at work still (sigh/sob).

Pic: Another 2008 picture of Nu, which brought joy/guffaws to people who needed it today. One of my favorites.


Nicole MacPherson said...

Nu is making it rain!!

Glad you still got your massage! Enjoy the 5km, that sounds fun. Fingers crossed for everyone waiting to hear about grad school.

Gillian said...

Baby's hilarious face 😂 🤣

StephLove said...

When I look at baby pictures of my kids I have to remind myself about the diapers and the sleepless nights (especially the sleep). I wouldn't mind grandbabies someday, though.

maya said...

Nicole: Making it rain 😂
Gillian: Right?!!?
StephLove: Yes, I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot about those early years in light of the cuteness. I would totally take those years again though!

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...