Thursday, March 24, 2022

puppy snuggles and cricket memories

It was national puppy day, I think? I'm late as usual. I love this one with Huck's arm draped around Scout's shoulder... they're both lying on my feet (of course!),  which is why I couldn't get a fuller shot.

I've picked up the contradictory habit of watching movies in episode-length segments (it goes nicely with my other weird habit of watching multiple episodes of a show at one go). 

Anyway, finished watching "83" (in about four segments) and enjoyed how much old cricket lore came back to me as I watched it. It's a typical underdog sports story, and bit overdone in some parts, but I enjoyed it and yelped in surprise and delight when the real Kapil Dev made a cameo appearance.

Some of the nicest days in my childhood were when "pavillion" tickets to a match (passed on by cricketeer uncles/dad's work/well-connected family) showed up and we'd be allowed to skip school to spend all day at the stadium. Being stuck at school when a big match was on was the worst: kids these days don't know the painful suspense of finding out the score from the tuck shop radio or having to depend on friendly teachers who could bring us the latest from the teachers' lounge TV.


Gillian said...

Cricket, tuck shops, and regency romance sound like a proper English life.

Nicole MacPherson said...

I've never watched cricket, so I don't really understand it at all.

"kids these days don't know the painful suspense of finding out the score from the tuck shop radio or having to depend on friendly teachers who could bring us the latest from the teachers' lounge TV." - so true!! I was just thinking about this the other day, where we had to watch the news or listen to the radio to find out things!

maya said...

Gillian :D! (In an anticolonial way, I hope!)

Nicole: Right?! Also, I've always wondered how Canada is the one Brit colony that mostly escaped Cricket madness... I have a cousin who plays for Cricket Canada now.

"is it sad or is it good?"

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