Saturday, February 12, 2022

where it hurts

This part of my hip, which is hurt, is also the exact spot Scout likes to rest his fuzzy chin on--it's just the perfect gentle pressure.

I earned this afternoon+evening reading To Paradise, drinking cinnamon tea, eating chocolate, the puppies in my lap/on my legs. Big A is at work, I dropped Nu off to visit a friend, and I worked like a fiend yesterday.

I'm coming to the end of the day with deep satisfaction, apparently some days it takes very little to get there.


Nicole MacPherson said...

Your afternoon-evening sounds lovely. I hope your hip feels better - hip pain is no joke!

Elisabeth said...

Love getting to the end of the day and feeling satisfied. Definitely not always the case for me, but when it happens (happened Friday AND Saturday night) it's like a warm hug.

Sorry about the hip and hope it feels better soon.

maya said...

Thank you for the well wishes, Nicole and Elisabeth!

StephLove said...

So sweet about the dog's head on your hip. I like when my cat puts his head on me to sleep.

maya said...

Steph--isn't it so lovely how our furbabies seem to just...know? <3

Today I found...

1) Inside, I've been finding it really hot, so we had to bring up the electric fans from the basement early this year.  2) In my email, ...