Saturday, February 17, 2024

the first cousin to die

for Sunil

I'm always eight, you're always fourteen
in the long time ago that lasts forever 
I know now I'll never see you again

you have other people to haunt and anyway
 they probably want to hang with you--
the dad you lost at two, your young uncle...

all those men in your family who died young
it's why your mother, grandmother, sister 
 dote on you, as if to try to keep you forever 

I wondered how you had more friends than books
I confused you too--I remember when you 
congratulated me about my school exams, 

and seemed so confused why it was important...
 I mean--you were so rich you didn't have to work
--and I don't think you did even at 40, right?

but you were always kind... if a bit ganja-fueled 
when a single kindness could keep me happy
for days. I wonder at my dad saying

I shouldn't be alone with you... I feel you loved 
my gentle dad, wished he were yours
in the sheerness of the childhood--

which brightened us up... now only if this end
too could lift us up... instead it sets us adrift... 
as if to warn us we're going... extinct 

Pic: An icy, windy day--but oh, such brilliantly blue, sunshiny skies. A long walk with Big A to the MSU Baseball stadium. 


Nance said...

"the sheerness of childhood"--this is a terrific description.
What an evocative poem and loving tribute to your cousin. I like its truth and its personal details. I could feel and almost see the very young you in the fourth and fifth stanzas, proud of your schoolwork, bookish and beaming, while your cousin, laid-back, was more social and didn't get why academics were such a big deal--yet complimenting you and proud because it was important to *you*.

This poem's ending surprised me, however. I wasn't expecting it to be so grim.

Nicole said...

Oh Maya, so many mixed things in this loving tribute - I'm sorry for your loss. xoxo

StephLove said...

It's so surprising when people die young. Well, usually, depending on the circumstances. Moving tribute.

StephLove said...

p.s. Beth had a younger cousin (in his 30s) who died by suicide several years ago. It was such a shock.

maya said...

Nance--thank you. I think the ending is a bit abrupt, I'm working on a more gentle closure. The "extinct" part is because he's the first in our generation to die.

Nicole--thank you. Yes--so many mixed things! My father's uncharacteristic warning is all I could think of when I first heard the news.

Steph--thank you. I'm sorry about Beth's cousin. Mine was a bit older than us (late 50s) but too young to die of natural causes (heart attack).

Gillian said...


Sarah said...

Lately I have been so STRUCK by moments of nostalgia, triggered by the smallest details-- smells, etc. And this line! Perfect summation of that feeling: in the long time ago that lasts forever

have loved him my whole darn life

I posted a short tribute on FB for Father's Day. I wrote, " My dad was the first feminist I knew. (He loved the poet Bharathiar dee...