Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Buy Day

1) Clippers
I realized the kids would all need haircuts before too long, and certainly before our lockdown is lifted. I asked Big A to look for clippers when he went to the store, but they were all out. They're almost all out online too, but I managed to snag a couple for the canine and human kids.

2) Plants
Because I have a riot of tropical happiness in the indoor tea garden (jasmine, bougainvillea, begonia, geraniums...), I began craving new replacement plants (especially for the bougainvillea, which have gotten a bit straggly). Thankfully, online nurseries are open--but I didn't know that the jasmine variety that works in my garden is called "confederate jasmine" or that the tradescantia vine I like is "wandering jew."  I mean! WTH with the racist references? I removed them from my cart, but I really did want them, and overcame my hesitation by making up alternative names like "Michigan jasmine" and "passover plant." I'm either very clever (sarcasm) or beginning the descent into dementia.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Saturday, April 04, 2020

(Social Distance) Serenade

This week I guess I was anointed neighborhood  birthday coordinator? I received an "emergency email" about another birthday on our street and after some organizing, about 20 of us gathered to sing "Happy Birthday" at 10 am before the expected rain could drown us out.

Still worrying about Big A headed to NYC, may have had a tiny freakout on FB, threw away the kids' takeout mango lassis because how could I be sure they were safe, ordered some ski googles to protect Big A, etc., but I'm in bed now with human and canine kids and things feel... OK.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Time to Freak Out

Big A has been talking about how dire things are in NYC and thinking about heading out to help. Today the city sent out an emergency alert to every NYC phone and waived privileges, credentialing and other requirements for out-of-state healthcare workers. I think I knew even as we were walking with the puppies and making our usual silly jokes that he had decided to go.

He told me late this evening... or rather, he "asked me" if he could go. He's just told his practice and is trying to rearrange his shifts here. 

The thing is I was selfishly hoping that we'd make it out ok as Lansing has PPE (for now) and not as many cases (for now). I even suggested he go to Detroit instead--at least I would be able to get to him if needed. I know he's doing the right thing. But I'm so scared, ashamed for being this selfish, and really, really scared.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Social Distancing Photo Booth

Bestie L's birthday today, but we can't celebrate like we usually do, so I put up some decorations outside her house and invited other friends and neighbors to pose with the decorations to wish her.

She said she got videos and photos throughout the day.  And I got copied on some too!

Pictured here: just my own Nu and Big A at different times today. 

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Something Pesky

I'm trying to be upbeat on social media, but I MISS MY STUDENTS SO MUCH.

The little things I've done that students have thanked me for this week... ugh... crying on a timetable every two hours. 

Six for Saturday

1) Drama in the morning! Nu and Max discovered some grey, eyeless, blobby newborns by the picnic table on their morning walk. We googled to ...