Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Answering the call

While I headed to work early, L and T took Nu voting with them and Nu got to ring the bell(!!!); meanwhile in another part of the state, At was driving peeps to the polls.


Monday, March 09, 2020

The tea

Image result for eleanor roosevelt tea quote

MacCurdy Women's House's now annual "International Women's Day Tea," and I always chuckle at this Eleanor Roosevelt quote in the dining room.

Over the weekend, I'd received an email from ME, who'd been an exchange student (Russia) a couple of years ago, she wrote: "Dear Maya, hello! Today is International Women's Day and I would like to say some kind words to you! I wish you to have strong health, excellent mood, a lot of energy and more time for devoting yourself to things that bring you a genuine pleasure! I remembered you today, because it was your who sparkled my interest in women's studies two years ago, and called me a feminist..."

Did I choke up when I read that? Yup, I did. I think about students for years after they've left; and this made me too feel remembered... seen. She shared some updates about a DV bill in Russia, and I, in turn, shared her news during other conversations over tea. I have so much hope in young people.

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Notes on 'camp'

Quick overnight trip to Chicago. (In classic irreverent fashion, the human kids called it the great Corona Virus Vacation.) Actually, it was a birthday trip organized by Big A as I love long chatty road trips with all the lovies, having carpet room-service picnics, and falling asleep to a range of deep snores.

As I texted KB who was incredulous that I'd do this to myself--it's the closest I'll ever come to camping.

Saturday, March 07, 2020

Well done, sisters!

I have no idea how long all this took to pull off, but L and Nu arranged this absolutely lovely 1920's birthday party for me. Everyone was dressed 1920s style, they serenaded me with the suffragette song from Mary Poppins, there was a table full of 1920s food (mimosas, waldorf salad, salmon and mushroom toasts, scones) and a folder full of all the reasons why they love me. They really love me 🙂.

I got a ton of presents, and also everyone chipped in for a Kousa Dogwood Tree, so we get to get together in the summer to plant it and party again.

Friday, March 06, 2020


It was our honors society induction today. I'd been working on this for months, liaising with students, the international HQ, colleagues, catering, engraving, RSVPs, dues, and on and on. So I'm glad this went well, everyone was happy and well fed, I got a ton a compliments on how it turned out, and that it's over.

Next time though, perhaps I should make a better effort and speak at the event instead of begging a dear colleague to do it for me.

Thursday, March 05, 2020

In the news

Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the race today is the gut-punch of post-birthday slumps.

We have such a long road ahead...

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

March Forth!

 A happy birthday. Went into my one class this morning beaming like a goofball to the delight of the teenagers in the room. I already felt spoiled by visits and presents at work but home spoiling was even more intense: strawberry cupcakes and cuddles and then dinner at Ruckus Ramen and presents with my loves. 😍 

Six for Saturday

1) Drama in the morning! Nu and Max discovered some grey, eyeless, blobby newborns by the picnic table on their morning walk. We googled to ...