Saturday, June 15, 2019

Panic to Pride

It was a verrrrry leisurely morning and after putting away the breakfast dishes, I was going to put away the cash I got from Big A (I never withdraw cash, dunno why, and Big A had a bunch to give to the kids as they finish summer jobs around the house).

So I was going to put away the cash in my wallet... except I couldn't find my wallet in my purse or any of the other plausible places I looked for it. At first no one believed me because I'm super careful... until my rising panicky squeaks convinced them. I realized the last time I had used my card was at Aldi... on Wednesday.

Then I alternated between mild self-congratulation at not having spent money for over 48 hours, and panic at having to replace all the cards and ID stuff. I called Aldi to see if I had left it there, but the call went to some central Aldi location, because apparently they don't take phone calls at the store. Ok.

By this time, everyone was looking for my wallet and turning up old ones and asking if that was the one, I went and put on pants so someone could take me to the store (I had no DL). And then! Big A found the wallet in the door of the car. Hallelujah. Testify!

After that, I took a relaxing shower and got everyone to Riverfront Park for the Pride parade. My friend MD, who runs a local queer teen group, had asked for help 'protecting' the teens from hecklers--but there weren't any, so I just hung out with all my beautiful babies.


Friday, June 14, 2019

Sansu for You and You and You

Doing what we do best... walking over to Sansu at early-bird special time and eating too much sushi.

My heart was so full at that moment to have both human kids because there had been too much of this and this and this.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

O Say Can You Tea

A special gift from Deb D:
a tea service that was her grandmothers'.
The saucers are big enough for snacks:
so we got snacks.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

First Bagame

The kids made up a Lego-based game the week after At came home from college... I thanked him over breakfast that week for making time for his baby sib, and he said no thanks were necessary, because it was genuinely fun.

They called it "Bagame" and I called it "BadGame."

The "first-ever Bagame has ended" they texted on the family channel. I clicked "like" and went back to the FYS meeting that ran late.

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Strange Beauty

Today, I heard Paul Winter's Missa Gaia (1981) for the very first time at UU--almost otherworldly in its beauty, it made me happy and it made me cry. (Once I got past the JarJar Binks title and realized that it's simply Mass [of/for] Earth [In Latin and Greek] and that whales and wolves would be acknowledged as composers too.)

And late yesterday, I shared how I fell in love with 11-year-old Nu's little waif with the anxious shoulders.

And then it was a sleepover night in the rumpus room with the puppies, laughing at some of the creepy creatures in Nu's sketchbook, and falling asleep to the strange symphonic sounds of Sigur Ros.

standing in beauty

I saw the most amazing early morning skies over the Maple River as I headed to work today, and had a feeling it would be the harbinger of a ...