Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Tuesday, June 04, 2019


This doesn't even look like Michigan! I even thought that the the little log in the shadows looked like an alligator. All the rain has given the Red Cedar quite the overflow.

I'm having a tough time of it emotionally as well. At and I started watching When They See Us and my feelings are getting to a point where I feel very overwhelmed most of the day.

At DD's birthday lunch today, this came up (at the end after we properly celebrated) and she thought I might benefit from a coach rather than a therapist, because I have to get through this by figuring out what is within my control and learning strategies to cope with what I cannot control.

Anyway... onward, I guess.


Monday, June 03, 2019

Baby Tragedy

L and I leaned in over the nest because we saw the bits of eggshell and thought the chicks had hatched, but we recoiled at the half made babies and the abandoned egg.

We talked about what to do, but couldn't come up with any real solutions.

It reminded me of all the baby cages on the border and all the foster kids in the system and how L and I and Big A and I and the kids and I and every single friend I have in this world and I talk and talk and talk and we write about it, and donate, and write our representatives but never really get close to resolution.

#Hopeless #WalkingThoughts #WakingThoughts


Sunday, June 02, 2019

In the Jungle

The kids are outside, finally!

And in the two weeks we've been gone, things turned into a jungle out there.

I've been meaning to make paths and landscape for the two summers we've been here...

Maybe this year :)!


standing in beauty

I saw the most amazing early morning skies over the Maple River as I headed to work today, and had a feeling it would be the harbinger of a ...