Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


the length of our conversation tells in years 
origins of jokes, quarrels, and empathy
reflecting back, blinking back

the image of us making our way into a future
it's a test--and if you ask me, of course 
I'll tell--I'll tell you everything

A day remarkable for the amount of work and the number of things I got off the pending to-do lists. 

It was also the day of our Ganesha Search. I had to work on Ganesh Chaturthi, which was last week, so today the kids and I did the annual tour of all the Ganeshas in the house (several in each room) to clean and decorate with kumkum and kalanchoe. The kalanchoe isn't traditional, but fit some of the tiny Ganeshas perfectly. 

Also a day when we had some tough conversations with two different roofers--none of our work-arounds will actually... work and it's going to cost many times what we'd anticipated or saved for. UGH.  

And then a spectacular late-afternoon breakdown when Big A used the "D word" and the "C word" to describe and discuss Scout's sudden hobbling slowness and lethargy. The kids asked tentatively over dinner what it had been about and were naturally very dispirited... so Big A began clowning. 

Pic: Radiology Gardens from this weekend. I love their reflection pool.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


amidst the dusty chalk of discussion
our figures gesture like talk 
ache with attachment

there is teaching in the (back)ground
find it in the sprawling grassroots 
reaching up from dispute

Friday, September 10, 2021

the walking cure

(for K.B.)
We haven't seen each other in weeks
we're to go on a walk
I expected a ladylike turn on campus
but here you are 
in sneakers, leading an active puppy 
so we end up 
wending our way to Luce Road where
we remember

how our current high schoolers were tiny
whose peanut allergies then seemed 
to riddle absence--
are now surviving, becoming new people
with "hot dates"
imagining themselves un-endangered 
have new names 

in today's succulence, there is rain
but also umbrellas
there are mosquito bites that bead 
my arms like biceps 
words hang between us like roots
seeking new growth
you guide each signal that tumbles out 
kindly, grace-fully

we're filling out equations of sympathy 
on each side  
even in all that happens to interrupt us
because somehow
it seems, you believe in my goodness
as I trust in yours--
oh, how are we such miracles, friend--
finding us in this world

Pic: KB, W, and bike-path friends in Alma.

Thursday, September 09, 2021

sonnet on a commute

the road is a ribbon feeding on itself 
a dream snake

the car is an empty room but for me
the sun glares back 

sultry beyond windows and stealthy  
in the soupy day

I'm wondering if radios will play on 
at the end of the world

as I watch my future burning like fuel 
past lonely road kill

the road keeps coming, a stream of poison
being sucked out of me

my family knows my day from my absence
I pick up the distance and go 

Saturday, September 04, 2021

farewell summer 2021

This summer had teeth like mosquitoes 
flush with hail and all-day rain
I wave goodbye to this 

all summer long, the heavy air settled
into my narrow body, caught me 
out of breath every time 

a decrescendo of repeat, mute, rewind
until my mind is white noise
my heart half silence

and my hands sail safely to my sides
opening, undone--bones plummet
in percussive emphasis

Thursday, September 02, 2021

another day

why am I here bitten, forgotten 
arraigning a legacy of crazy
with remembrances

where my body and yours are
flattened by blank screens
and seen everywhere

why am I here, I wish you 
well, wish you could
just tell me

what will I not hear, this time--
more problems, every time--
no problem

I say--but there were always 
problems and prizes--
with surprises

Saturday, August 28, 2021

I find myself falling

I have tried falling down
the way you used to 
whole flights at a time
it's impractical

how it now reminds me 
of my grandfather
atoning what he'd done
--it's typical

what you did for laughs
he did because 
he'd left mother crying
made invisible

all the mislaid expiations
in search of love
where we are, the border
of admissible 

Pic: I turned in some stuff in on... Submittable. Ha.

Friday, August 27, 2021

the opposite of down is really long

remind me to take a step back
take in the silver habit 
of a grey day

pacing love and dissent, weaving
every day the excitement 
of reunion  

days we laughed, we sometimes
wept--from stories we heard
around radios

life feels so small it's basically 
one tunnel--just one that 
runs forever

Pic and notes: Early morning walk with Big A, Huck, and Scout. Grey day--busy all the way through and no good news at home (roofer canceled, Covid rises) or abroad. We were almost devoured by mosquitoes. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021


reaching in the way of breath
souls out as though flying
starting as newness does

language bends us to light
tethered to our affections
pointed as our engines 

it's crowded in the big sky,
friends--we have: planes, 
birds, satellites, choices

when it's so hard to listen 
what shall we do, indeed
for our use... for our ease

Pic: Late summer garden

Monday, August 16, 2021

the present

Thirteen years of this same name 
to use in love, jokes, threats, loving
When they decide for a new name
another parent tells me that a name 
is like a present, no one has to like it 
just because you gave it to them...
They know what's best for them, they
get to decide if they want a new name.
Then they do decide for a new name--
You know this name's unisex, right?
But--it still fits wrong, they say. So
when they decided for a new name, I
find I'm delighted to have an excuse 
to look at lists of baby names again
With their new name, we learned they
can ask teachers to use the new one
but can't officially change it at school--
that's another year with the same name
...but people ask us how to pronounce it
(because both names are from Sanskrit)
we're tricksters this first year with the new 
name: just tell them the old name is said
like the name you picked, I say. I'm loved
more in this first year with their new name 
it's like they spread their prayers like wings
these are small things, but they can fly now
When they decided on this new name, I...
was really relieved the new name began
kind of same way that their old one did--
so in this first year with the new name--
I can catch myself before I land wrong. 
Doesn't Elliot Page have a name like that?
I don't even remember--they're saying--
what it was, they're in the present; I'm 
rewarded with them happy in this year 
with just a new name

Monday, August 09, 2021

as time runs away

sometimes I speak of myself
in past tense, in third person
--I fall asleep, it's another day

I fall asleep and it's still today
life conveys me, an escalator
I ascend without any attempt 

I make meaning of everything
as time runs away, unmasking
all these unwitnessed narratives

and somedays will remind me 
of me, as I sift for obscurity
dowse for light... stay for me

Pic: T. J. Jarrett 

Saturday, August 07, 2021

an answer

so what if scars seam 
my body, it holds 

wherever I feel untaught 
I risk transparence

you should know how 
defiance clears
my throat

why I quiet in the face
of an ongoing

so well trained, when
blossoms happen,
I'm reborn

Pic: Phlox!

Thursday, August 05, 2021

escape landscape

first: sun on high smiling down
then liquid, drenched in luster
leaves, trees, all this causality  

deciphering futures/scriptures
from beauty, I'm still interested 
to learn how to drift with light 

outside lies the anthropocene 
like moths lusting for a glow   
here I'm only: oh's, aw's, noes

mouth heavier than ever before 
I go after words and find sounds:
songs of sobs, verses of laughter

Pic: Baker Woods this morning with L. 
(Not pictured: swampy-slippery paths, at least one spill, and swarms of mosquitoes.)

Tuesday, August 03, 2021



I suppose, I suppose
it wasn't you who called me 
from the bottom of the stairs
it was my prayer

my god O my god
I cannot find my way home
as crows fly / as fish swim 
I might disappear 

here while learning
how to gerrymander choice
hung up on nomadic words 
whispering diaspora

Pic: At has been coordinating canvassing for the socialist candidates. I left him a note as the primaries were today...

Thursday, July 29, 2021

our mother would hate this poem

I dreamed I was listening to my
parents' fight from decades ago 
when they were fighting always
and always passive-aggressively

my father sounding patient
my mother sounding smart

neither of them listening to each other...
from our room: my sister and I listened,
grading them--not on how right or wrong 
they were, but how not mean they were.

our mother lost our ratings
for our father lost the fights

afterwards, he wouldn't talk to her for days...
every time she happened to be in the room,
he'd be whistling or humming something 
to show how he didn't care and didn't hurt--

like at all--not even a little bit
even we kids didn't buy it

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


I will not fail fall falter--
what is history but 
a storm that left 
us all bowed

although not forever long
I watch waves touch
shores and ships
--be calmed 

(I remember how old colonizers 
told us of monsters on maps
even--while wielding:
their sword-gun-pen)

Pic: Flying home--skies never fail to fascinate me.

Friday, July 23, 2021

an ordinary happy

why not stay awake           
today's felt blog post         
just yesterday's ghost        

to a moment, wonderful
right now
becoming extraordinary 
as memory
as witness, totem, story

Pic: Nu and At playing Super Smash Brothers, a game they acquired the weekend Big A and I were away in Seattle. They had so much fun pretending they were going to invite someone called "Smash" over to the house while I was gone, and I had so much fun pretending to be horrified by the idea. It was only later that I discovered that they didn't know I was pretending. "How did you even know it was a game?"--they asked. I don't know.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


can we begin with how 
reduced to sweetness
lists run through
an abecedary 
of wonder

a longing 
to recite how
we return tender
to summer's thirsts
hearts giant with shining

Sunday, July 18, 2021

like an old-fashioned riddle

I tally ego on the rosary of my body
count the worry beads of desire
sum my abacus of need

my small silence inside your eternity
my sky inside your horizon
is watching us recede

as I exchange thoughts for doubts
I wonder if you can hear them;
I think you'd concede 

that you pull me along, in undertow--
not caring for my suffering--
until you have me freed

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


I have taken these photos
no one will be looking at  
I have repeated my sights
until emptied of meaning

each one special as a child:
emotions--a trembling skin 
old memories--pause at will, 
a flip-book I cannot control

I have buried the bad sounds,
you can't say them anymore
soon I will be lost, exploring,
then unravel love for myself

I can announce to strangers
that I survived, can say I am
renewed, though I still carry  
this ventriloquist's act of you


I think that was a solid vacation--it didn't feel "fake" to me at all. I had a lovely time, meeting people Big A works with wa...