Today, Nu was remembering a baby book called Go, Dog, Go! much of whose plotline (if we remember right) consists of one dog asking another if they liked their hat to which the other dog replies they do not like their hat. (So many hats, Engie!).
We were discussing if this was (a) radical and friendly honesty--the second dog not liking the first one's hat did not cause any bad feelings or (b) negging--with the second dog keeping the first one on their toes so they would keep coming back. It occurred to me at that point that Nu had always been such a good liberal arts classroom discussant. And I'm so happy to say that Nu got into the college they wanted over the holidays. Given their first two rocky years of high school, this was not at all a given. But they've managed to overcome a lot of those early impediments (complicated no doubt by the pandemic and pandemic schooling) and even got a persuasive college essay out of it. Hopes and prayers for my Nu.
Speaking of things evolving to reach maturity, I remember taking At and a baby Nu to a conference on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in New York because I didn't have childcare. We had to leave early because, unlike At who as a baby loved going to classes and conferences (or at least was calm when I went), Baby Nu was having none of it. (There was an embarrassing moment where Nu arched their back and slipped straight out of the baby carrier--while I was on stage. It's a wonder I wasn't reported to the U.N.) Anyway, that conference attendance evolved into an idea, then a paper, and now is a book chapter that's coming out later this year; I'm Chapter 12.
Pic: The Portage River in the falling snow. I haven't been outside much in this somewhat breathless week, so this is still from the weekend's hike.
Congrats Nu!!! That's such huge news. Oh, how wonderful. I just know they are going to absolutely blossom, even more than they already are. Will they be far away or close by? I am so pleased to hear this!
We also had Go Dog Go! I wonder if we still have it? We definitely have Hand Hand Fingers Thumb.
I had no idea I was going to think so deeply into Go Dog Go this morning, but now I really think I have to. Nu is like the Dalai Lama or a Buddha. That college is lucky to have them.
Congrats to Nu! Have they made a final decision?
It was such a relief when North got into most of the schools where they applied because we really weren't sure that would be the outcome, what with the psychological/academic turbulence of 11th grade (not to mention 9th but that year was a mess for everyone).
Congrats to Nu! How exciting!!
I feel like I need to read Go, Dog, Go! Children's books are littered with hats. I love it.
Way to go, Nu!
My husband hated go dog go so much that he got rid of it actually! His cousin bought it for us, knowing where a cat family as sort of a dig. Ha! Phil is not a fan of the repetitive nature of Dr Seuss books. but I know they're that way by design. I read green eggs and ham to taco last night. I was laughing inside thinking about how it's sort of an MLM sales guide.
Congrats to Nu!! That is so exciting and such a relief I bet. And congrats to you on being included in that book! By the way, I'm about 75% done with The Covenant of Water and I'm really enjoying it.
I'm laughing at Lisa's comment about Green Eggs and Ham. I pink puffy heart Dr. Seuss. What about the pale green pants with nobody inside them? You need a thneed! So much gold there. I was thinking about The Cat in the Hat Comes Back the other day, when Nance was wanting her driveway snow clearance to be the envy of the neighborhood. OK, is it just me? I'm gen X, totally raised on Seuss.
YAY NU! Your hard work is paying off! And YAY MAYA on your chapter! Your hard work is paying off! Excellent all around.
Thanks, Nicole! I know you were here and kind of held my hand through some of those times and understand how big this feels. Thank you <3
Thank you!
Thank you, Nance! I was charmed as well :)!
Steph--Yes, they have. They applied half-heartedly to a couple of other places, but really were focused on this one place. North was always doing amazing things despite the turbulence, so I'm not surprised at all that they got into so many excellent colleges!
Thanks, Engie! There's a link in the post :)!
Lisa, A hated it and got rid of it too :D!!
I'm glad you're liking Covenant... (It abbreviates to COW and that's too weird). It's a tome, and I'm impressed you're so close to the end.
Julie, I was smiling all through your comment because your excitement is so contagious :)!! And thank you x 2!
Same generation, but I loved Dr. S through reading to my kids.
Thank you!!
HOORAY!!! Congratulations to Nu!!! I'm excited for all of you. And... remember how that book ends. "Yes, I do, I LIKE that hat!" and they ride off together... as you can see, Go Dog Go was a favorite around here.
Jenny-- :D!!! You do have the whole book memorized! I was always so relieved when the final hat came around!
Congratulations, Nu! Beautiful news. (Also, I fondly remember & love Go Dog Go!)
(I did not mean to be anonymous above. Sorry!)
Rebecca, Thank you!! (And you've probably read Go, Dog, Go! to Nu and that cohort many times! <3)
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