Wednesday, January 08, 2025

scribbling women, dogs walking, dog-writing, and bitches

When I first watched Bridgerton, I was struck by this remarkable line:

LADY WHISTLEDOWN: "According to the much heralded poet Lord Byron: Of all bitches, dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine."

And I meant to use it when I taught Women's Writing again (which is now). It is such a mash-up of Byron's famous misogyny, Hawthorne's hatred of "scribbling women" and Samuel Johnson's screed about women's composition--that it's like a "dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.” 

Also, while I was looking for the precise quote, I went down some interesting theory rabbit holes. While I was aware of Animal Studies, I wasn't aware that there was a specialized field of "dog-writing" that studies the intense relationships of women writers with their dogs (Elizabeth Barrett-Browning, Virginia Woolf, and so on). (While I'm no Woolf or Barrett-Browning--in our family, Scout is known as my dissertation wolf and Max is my book puppy. I don't think I could have gone on without their steadfast attention, affection, and presence.) The word "bitch" crops up with increasing frequency in the titles of these works about dog-writing: "Bitch, Bitch, Bitch: Personal Criticism, Feminist Theory, and Dog-writing" or  Writing with the Bitches, etc. 

It feels like I've come full circle with the Bridgerton quote.

Pic: Snow falling in the "portal," which what L and I call this corridor of trees from her house to the street.


Nicole said...

Ugh, fucking men. This is why mostly I don't read male writers. Well, that and I don't tend to like their books.
But I wasn't aware of the dog-writing field! Obviously this is of great interest to me! Going to go down this rabbit hole (dog hole?) now!

Gillian said...


Nance said...

Samuel Johnson, always so pleasant about everything. Sigh.

I wasn't aware of the field of Animal Studies. So interesting. Thanks for the links and the knowledge.

NGS said...

Huh. Dog-writing is my life, I guess.

Sarah said...

Well, shit. Now I need to resear h the earliest speeches by US women who talk about dogs so I can make a punny title. The possibilities are limitless. Dog Whistles and Faithful Companionship: White Women and the Racial Politics of Bitching...

Lisa's Yarns said...

I couldn't have said it better than Nicole did! Sheesh. We are reading "Bitch" by Lucy Cooke for book club this year. Have you read it? It should be a really interesting read/discussion.

maya said...

Wondering what you're thinking re. dog-writing... I'm still processing...

maya said...

a bit, yes!

maya said...

I'm laughing at your Johnson comment, Nance. He was always held up as such a wit--but he's quite mean and "punches down" a lot, I think.

maya said...

I've never seen Max adore someone else so much... I was a bit jealous!

maya said...

I really, REALLY want to see this!!

maya said...

Lisa, Yes! I loved _Bitch_! Feminist scholars had been trying to push back against Victorian readings of animal behavior for so long, but it was so nice to have it all in one place! It's right up there with Hrdy's _Mother Nature_ for me.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Oh good! I am glad you loved it!! I am excited to read it!!

Bhogi today; Pongal tomorrow

Tomorrow is Pongal, the start of the auspicious Tamil month Thuy, and I always think of it as a handy reset for any lagging New Year resolut...