Sunday, January 19, 2025

a solution

Pic: An image of the Leo P Dwarf Galaxy sent back from NASA's James Webb telescope.

How amazing that we can do this... And how amazing that this is out there for us to see... And for all the kindness and consideration I experience in my own life, for all the decency I see every day... in say, people walking their shopping carts back to the corral like they were toddlers who'd be at risk by themselves in the parking lot... I'll still hear reports of an unhoused person run over by a bulldozer.  Or while thankful  that the ceasefire in Gaza has finally taken effect, I'll wonder who decided airstrikes should be amped up after the ceasefire was announced

I wish there was a way to take the good people I have in my life and make them be in charge of everything to avoid these bottomless petty cruelties.


Lisa's Yarns said...

I was listening to a recent episode of pantsuit politics yesterday and they were talking about how common it is for airstrikes to be ramped up ahead of a cease-fire. I do not understand that at all. It seems to fly in the face of what you were trying to achieve with a cease-fire, which is peace. I, too, wish there were more decent and wonderful people in power.

Nance said...

Sigh. I hear you. Why does it seem that the balance never seems to tip on the side of the good, decent, kind, and wonderful? Or, when it does, why doesn't it simply STAY THERE?

We have every opportunity to do The Right Thing. Why must so many choose not to?

StephLove said...

The world (and the people in it) can be so cruel and also so beautiful. It's just too much sometimes.

Gillian said...

Take care

Nicole said...

Life is just so complicated, isn't it. I always think of the last lines in Desiderata "For all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy." It's inspirational for me.

Jenny said...

Awesome photo. A reminder that the Earth is the tiniest speck in the universe.
Yes- there are so many good people- why are they not the ones in charge...

NGS said...

I have a friend who worked on the project that photographed Saturn's moons and rings and it is shocking what is happening in space right now, particularly considering a lot of it is 1990s and early 2000s technology.

maya said...

My impulse--may I be forgiven for this--was to disbelieve that anyone would do such a thing...

maya said...

Nance--and yet we keep trying, because that's who we are. <3

maya said...

Sorry to bring you down, Steph... I had an "abyss moment" yesterday.

maya said...

Thank you.

maya said...

Thank you for this, Nicole. I love the Desiderata and think it works beautifully for personal happiness. (It's less successful when it's my lack of control over events out of my sphere of influence that pains me. I mean I can't be careful about the carelessness of city officials running a bulldozer over a sleeping unhoused person. Nor am I persuaded that I should strive to be happy in the immediate wake of hearing that news.)

maya said...

I'm thankful that I know so many good people in my own life...

maya said...

I never thought of how old the tech was, Engie. How wonderful that it's all holding up so beautifully...

my tiny domestic tragedies

Big A seemed a bit better yesterday. But he didn't think so. I think he likes being taken care of. It makes me think of my hero, June Jo...