Friday, October 25, 2024

women's ways

Everyone in a class earlier this week was familiar with the idea of "toxic masculinity," but we had to put some work in to figure out what it might mean for women and other people in male-centric spaces.  

As in how women may have to perform patriarchy and even misogyny in order to get ahead in the workplace. As in does female achievement on male terms equal feminism? As in if a woman leader values profit over human welfare or attacks another country, is it feminist just because a woman is doing it? Let's say... Margaret Thatcher. Sure she is the first woman to be Prime Minister in the UK, but can we count her as a feminist? 

I revisited some of those class discussions as I walked with AK this morning. One of the many things I absolutely love about AK is how she normalizes gentleness and softness in the workplace. She is the first person I know who signed a work email with "Love," and now I feel I can do that too. Her rapport with students is legendary and if there is an initiative to get the college to do better, AK is there in the lead. When I searched my blog for "AK" I found so many instances of why I'm just so lucky to know her. She said something so kind and funny mid-walk this morning, we just stopped to chuckle and hug. I'll treasure that moment. 

Pic: AK is running for office, and this is one of her campaign stickers. (I got her permission to use it here, but I'm going to continue to use her initials so this post doesn't show up in searches.) I LOVE how the "her" part of her name is sized up! 💗


Jenny said...

Yep, those are some good questions. Good luck to AK! Yes, that "HER" is a nice touch. And I love her first name (my daughter's name is Angie : ) )

J said...

Very interesting questions! In past decades, women had to take on men's ways to make it in the work arena, I like to think that is not the case anymore. My ideal is everyone being truly themselves, and others accepting it and not deciding if it's masculine or feminine and what the value is based on that dichotomy.

maya said...


maya said...

I did not know that, Jenny... now another thing that will remind me of you.

maya said...

That would certainly be the dream, J. I hope we get to see it in our lifetime!

StephLove said...

Good luck to your friend

maya said...

Thank you, Steph!

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...