Tuesday, October 01, 2024

"punched a shark"

When a student asked me what had happened to my finger (Big A splinted it) and I started my boring story about the vacuuming, they suggested I just tell people that I "punched a shark." It's all well for them, they're from California, and where am I gonna find a shark in Michigan, but it's a cute idea :). 

My Spring term travel course to England is slightly over-enrolled, but I'm going to roll with that. I'm excited to start making arrangements... but my first task will be to update the Spotify playlist for the course. 

Also, what's happening in the world?! I took the weekend off for a sanity pause and we're basically on the brink of WWIII and my feed is full of apocalyptic images of flooding in Appalachia. I can't swim, so my empathy and horror are practically visceral. This world-life balance is an abyss, really.

Pic: I'm still in my work clothes, Max is curled into my side, Huck really thinks I'm going to play with their drooly toy, I set my passport down for a sec to take this pic... I was about to take a picture of my passport to send to my sis who is planning a trip for us in December. Everything will be better by December, right?


Nance said...

LOL about the shark punching. I used to always tell my students to make up far more interesting stories about the origins of their injuries. "Don't say you fell down the stairs! Say you got hurt at wing-walking class."

I can't swim, either. (Do you know how BAD I look with wet hair?)

StephLove said...

I wish I could say everything will be better by December, globally and nationally, but I think the best I can say is it could be. Are you going to India? We're probably spending Christmas at the beach. Been looking at houses to rent.

Gillian said...


NGS said...

I broke my hand once in a bicycling accident while I was teaching high school. When they asked what happened, I told them it was a bar fight. I had some real cred for a couple of weeks.

We regularly have flooding in our town and I have been caught in flash floods before and it is terrifying. I cannot imagine what people are going through right now in the aftermath of Helene. And I can't bear to think that we're in the midst of WWIII right now, but I think we might be.

maya said...

Wing walking :)!

I didn't know you couldn't swim either... And you like to spend lots of time around bodies of water too! Hmm...

maya said...

Steph--I was being facetious, and your kind and serious answer made me teary. I hope so too, friend...

(Not India--but we're planning to meet somewhere midway for a week, if possible.)

maya said...

Thank you!

maya said...

Bar fight is a good one, Engie! (I wouldn't tell that to the underage kids who are at least 50% of my audience most days though.)

I'm sorry the news is getting to you too...

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...