Tuesday, September 10, 2024

today's three

1) Young the Giant was opening for Cage the Elephant this evening, and I got tickets to the show as a birthday present back in March. I've loved Young the Giant for over ten years, especially "Mind Over Matter" and most recently "The Walk Home," so it was a pretty perfect present. The show was terrific! Matt Shultz, Cage's lead singer, was on a scooter with a broken foot but had SO. MUCH. ENERGY. 

2) I read yesterday's comments, and I'm so touched by the concern and... a bit freaked out that I don't seem to be responding appropriately? It's not that I'm fearless--I was a proper ninny when there was that active shooter on the MSU campus in 2023. So maybe I'm just foolish or foolhardy from not recognizing the danger I was in? For whatever reason, this closer encounter with a gun seems not to have registered in my consciousness at all. And even as it was happening, I was translating it into an absurd dinner party story.

3) And I completely missed today's presidential debate. I doubt I missed anything significant. I heard on the news that 30% of people polled said they were waiting to decide whom to vote for based on today's debate performance--I cannot fathom what they could learn that hasn't already been repeatedly demonstrated.

Pic: Young the Giant in concert at Pineknob Theater.


Nicole said...

I have heard of neither Young the Giant or Cage the Elephant! I guess I should go look them up. I love a birthday present that is an activity or event, so this sounds great for you.

Gillian said...


Nance said...

I'm stunned that there could be undecided voters at this stage. I hate to be this judgy, but to me, and undecided voter now is a Willfully Ignorant voter. That the election is even close is a point of great sadness to me.

I'm glad you had a fun night out at a concert with a favourite band. What a great gift!

Anonymous said...

A great and fun present.

I did watch the debate, after skipping the more historically significant one in June. I hope it gives her a boost because she did perform well, but there wasn't much from either of them that wasn't what you'd expect. Actually, he was a little more grammatical than he sometimes is, less word salad. He seemed as delusional and unhinged as ever but he was stringing his words into sentences.

NGS said...

THIS! WHO ARE THESE UNDECIDED VOTERS? I have legit rage over this.

Jenny said...

I also didn't watch the debate- I just literally can't watch Trump speak without feeling incredibly anxious and angry. I assumed Harris would do just fine, and obviously I already know who I'm voting for! And I know- HOW are people undecided? That's mind boggling.
About your incident- the thing is, you were there and we weren't. You were able to perceive, somehow, that you weren't in any true danger. But when we read about it, it sounds so scary!

Bibliomama said...

i like Cage the Elephant but I don't know Young the Giant - will look them up.

I feel like I would be the same with the gun story, although this is completely why whenever we're in the U.S. we never yell at people because we joking/not joking think we could get shot -I've also gotten mad at boyfriends who mouth off at strangers and risk getting beaten up. It all happens quickly, and then it's so absurd that it seems funny/unreal.

Yeah - undecided voters wtf. Either you're reasonable and then you should know, or you're nuts, and you presumably also know. How the heck is anyone on the fence at this point?

maya said...

It's the best, Nicole! Zero wastage (or so it seems to me:)

maya said...


maya said...

Yes, Engie and Nance... I too cannot believe there are people who are undecided at this point in the election cycle!? It's either wilful or stubborn...

maya said...

Wow, Anon! I hadn't heard that perspective before--how interesting!

maya said...

Jenny--I too have a visceral reaction to his speeches... And thanks so much about the incident--I hope that's what it is!

maya said...

Bibliomama--You're absolutely right! I avoid road rage arguments and more because one never knows. And your insight about things happening so quickly they don't seem real is helpful.

YTG has a very different sound from CTE, I'd love to know if you liked them...

StephLove said...

That was me (Steph in case this comes out as anonymous again). Maybe just assume anon is me from now on? Then again, maybe not. Just in case.

maya said...

Heh. Steph--I read the original comment differently now I know it's you :)!

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...