Wednesday, September 25, 2024

And on we go...

As Alice Walker says: "The way forward is with a broken heart..."

I woke up early to spend some quality time walking with Max and Huckie and being silly with Big A, and went in to work a little later (it's not a teaching day). I also prepped dinner as I'd be home at 6 and that's too late to start prepping. That extra time I took for myself in the morning was so good for me. I saw a little red Corvette on the way to work and got there on a song

(Not to jinx it, but) My class prep is always meticulous, so yesterday's teaching went fine, but there were other things I had been too distracted to do in the last couple of days (make arrangements to observe a colleague's class for their portfolio, finalize calendar invites for a couple of work meetings, materials for the prison class, materials for the Gaza University folks, progress surveys for all my classes, etc.). I did all of that today. And I wrote the Dems about the death penalty.

And I focused on some life-affirming stuff: Wished my cousin T for their birthday, designed the invite for our Diwali gathering (Nov 2), and ordered the cupcakes for the baby shower (this Saturday!). 

Pic: While at the bakery for the baby shower cupcakes, I picked up these adorable cutout cookies for Nu. I could hear my mom's voice in my head--"First take care of the ones at home."


Nicole said...

Okay, I'm glad to read this because it sounds like you are okay. Also, those cookies are too cute. Did they taste good? xo

Gillian said...

Good for you.

Nance said...

"First take care of the ones at home"--wise words from a mom. My mantra in the morning is always "take care of living things first" as I feed and water cats and the big plant on my garden window, then make my coffee, then go out and put peanuts in the feeder on the porch for my blue jays.

Sam has a bright red Corvette and I hear that song in my head every time he pulls up in it or I hear him drive by.

I made some calls yesterday about the dishonour and inhumanity of the death penalty and what our party stands for.

NGS said...

The squirrels should be black! Because it's Michigan!

J said...

I love the beautiful cookies, and the wisdom of your mom as well. The Alice Walker quote resonates with me, as more of my life becomes tinged with loss. Sigh.

A friend of mine asked for help shopping for a Hindu wedding, and we went to a Sari shop in Berkeley last month. I did not NEED a new shalwar for Diwali, but I bought one anyway. My MIL is 87, and Diwali is HER celebration, she enjoys cooking for days, creating the rangoli, gathering leaves and flowers. It's getting to be too much for her, but she doesn't really like relinquishing any of it either.

Jenny said...

Maya, you are in the zone! I love those cookies, and I love your mom's saying.

maya said...

Care Bear Stare at YOU, girl!
I only know how the cookies look, Nicole. I don't care for cookies, somehow. It's cake I can't resist.

maya said...


maya said...

My morning rounds are similar, Nance! (Sans plant watering--that's once a week.)

I've always loved that Sam lives down the street and pops by for lunch and now I love that your boy has a little red corvette!

Your calls are inspiring!

maya said...

Nice catch! I'll let the baker know :).

maya said...

It really felt like coming out a fog, Jenny... my mom's got some good ones!

StephLove said...

I'm glad you're finding the life affirming things. At time like that, I often think of this short Sara Teasdale poem:

Stars over snow,
  And in the west a planet
Swinging below a star—
  Look for a lovely thing and you will find it,
It is not far—
  It never will be far.

Nance said...

StephLove--Thank you for this poem! I wasn't aware of this one by Teasdale. It's so beautiful. I've saved it now, and won't ever be without it again.

maya said...

Steph, thank you for this absolute gem...
I have memorized it, and as Nance says, I won't ever be without it again...

And I will pass it on. Indeed, I already shared it with a student today to cheer them up...

J said...

Oh Maya, thank you for your kind words about my mom! I love that you went down a bit of a rabbit hole and read about her some. <3

Grief really sucks the joy from life, and anticipatory grief especially so. I went through that when my dog had lymphoma. When my mom died, I was in full on panic mode, which I feel is different. And my dad died quite suddenly, hiking in Italy, so I didn't have it with him either. But with my sweet dog Mulder, I wanted SO much to be in the present and enjoy the time that I had with him, and I really sucked at it. I hope you are more successful in enjoying your time with your dad!

maya said...

Ah, J! I did not know about your dad... I am so sorry. It's always hard, being faraway (as I am too) makes it even harder I think. But that is indeed a a lot of loss, in a short time, friend. Internet hugs.

a day in Detroit

Big A made plans for us to spend the day in Detroit today. My only big decision was what I should wear to the restaurant that wouldn't b...