Sunday, August 18, 2024

six on Sunday

1. The girlfriends and I were supposed to see It Ends With Us this weekend. I'd even persevered through the book with its weird use of language.  (Although I've since learned that the author didn't get to go to college and has written several novels anyway--so you go, Colleen Hoover!) But all the mean girl drama around the movie's release soured it for me. So I bailed and then everyone else bailed as well. NGL, I really wasn't looking forward to seeing DV enacted on the big screen.

2. Wouldn't you know it, as women began to call for justice, instead of demanding justice alongside them, Indian men got all defensive and started to protest that it was "not all men." The awesome comeback has been "perhaps not all men, but it is ALWAYS men." Word.

3. We got a new mattress and when we were cutting it out of its plastic packaging this morning, I accidentally nicked it with the box cutter. I apologized so much... and Big A was so... magnanimous telling me not to worry about it. Later as we set it up, I realized his side had three or four nicks. Dude!? Why didn't you say something? 

4. There was a Not Another Bomb gathering this afternoon downtown calling for an arms embargo. I think there would have been more people there if not for the rain. There is an online petition circulating as well.

5. I thought I'd use the summer to fix my broken sleep habits, but I've been going to bed later and later and usually at 4 am. It'll be a relief to revert to going to bed at 2 am now that I'm back to work tomorrow. And as LV just texted to say, "Nerdy admission of the day: I’m kinda excited to see everyone tomorrow." Same!!

6. Pic: LB wanted to try my Evening in India menu, so I scooped a couple of tablespoons of each dish into the tiny jars I bought long ago for food prep but never got around to using. And then all 12 jars nestled perfectly in the crate my tomatoes came home in. I just feel so happy about how this turned out.


Nicole said...

Going to bed at 2am. Maya. MAYA. I'm not going to lecture you on the need for sleep but I'm silently lecturing you on the need for sleep. Anyway good luck with your back to school day!
I had heard of that movie, but when I say "heard" I mean "I heard the title of the movie" and had no idea what it was about or any drama ensuing about it.

Gillian said...


StephLove said...

What a cute little sampler. Have great start of the semester (and get some sleep).

Nance said...

"perhaps not all men, but it is ALWAYS men."


What a perfect comeback. Thank you.

Jenny said...

Wait- you've been going to bed at 4 am? And now you have to move it back to 2 am??? This may be my dream schedule, ha ha. I'm a night owl trying to function in an early bird world.
"Perhaps not all men, but it is ALWAYS men"- absolutely true.

maya said...

Nicole... I'm lecturing and cajoling myself all the time! I could have better mental and physical health, skin, hair, weight, and less anxiety if I had better sleep habits... I just can't seem to make myself do it. Aaaargh.

maya said...


maya said...

Thanks, Steph!!

maya said...

Right? Even violence directed against men...

maya said...

Jenny--No wonder I see your posts so late at night lol!

NGS said...

WHY IS COLLEEN HOOVER SO POPULAR? I am not a book snob and I want people to read, but I want them to read better books than those. (Hangs head in book snob shame.)

maya said...

Nu too gets mad that so many people they know read them...

just look up

I'm not alarmed  by the new  today                        forever is now                        remembering                          is ...