Friday, August 30, 2024

birthdays, bookstores...

I got to bed before midnight most days this week--progress! 

I did stay up well past midnight by accident last night, but it was just as well because I got to wish my dad in India a Happy Birthday bright and early. (It's also Chairman Fred Hampton's birthday and Mary Shelley's birthday, so he's in a very special club.) He didn't put his hearing aids in, so we didn't talk for very long though.

At the end of the first week of classes, things are going well (I think). I already know everyone's names--that's kinda my superpower so far. And the older I get, the more adorable I find my students... it was so cute when one of them made up a song to remember how to spell my name. 

It's also EM's birthday and the birthday of the independent bookstore in town so I stopped to pick up some book gifts and was gifted in turn with a lovely heart-to-heart with D.D. who still ministers to my soul although she no longer works as a pastor. 

Pic: My sister (with whom my parents live) sent me this pic of dad at breakfast and it made me miss my dad extra: our old hours-long conversations, his smiley face the way it was.


Gillian said...

Happy Birthday

StephLove said...

Happy birthday to your dad. I'm glad the year is off to a good start.

Nicole said...

Happy birthday to your dad! What is the time difference between MI and where he is in India? Also - I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! Going to bed before midnight, that's huge for you!
Now I'm dying to know the song to spell your name! I hope it's for your last name, because Maya isn't super difficult to spell. Or maybe it is, it could be Maia or Maija I guess.

maya said...

Thank you, Gillian!

maya said...

Thank you, Steph!!

maya said...

The time difference--depending on daylight saving--is between 10.5 to 11.5 hours, Nicole. I blame that and Big A's night shifts for my messed up sleep.

I was bragging loudly about my good behavior so you'd hear it in Kelowna!! :)

And yes, the song was about my last name. Can *you* spell it yet :)? If not, I'll have to share it with you!

Jenny said...

Aw, happy birthday to your dad! And nice job getting to bed earlier this week.

maya said...

Thanks, Jenny!!!

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...