Sunday, June 09, 2024

mama's beach day

The girlfriends and I took off to Saugatuck for the day. I was so excited about this trip to the beach that I didn't get a wink of sleep last night!

I guess I hadn't been to the beach "by myself" since grade school--it has always been with family and kids. And I'll do that again this summer, because I love that... But there was something very freeing about heading out by myself. I didn't have to check on anyone or their water bottles, sunscreen, Epi-Pens, or pack extras of anything, prep meals and allergen-free snacks. I had my sunglasses and hat... and I was gone.

It was lovely. We talked all the way to the beach, had brunch, did a couple of garden tours, blissed out in the sand for hours, wandered the little boutiques for hours (we picked up a little present for BOL who couldn't go at the last moment), and had dinner before we headed home.

This next week is the one with deadlines and work meetings, and today was the perfect way to prepare for it. 

Pic: Lake Michigan is beautiful and fierce. 


Nance said...

How lovely--truly some Me Time. There's a lot to be said for cutting yourself loose from your other identities so that you can remember the Independent You.

StephLove said...

Beautiful photo and day.

NGS said...

I love a good beach day. So cleansing for the soul.

Nicole said...

That sounds so wonderful!

Jenny said...

Ah, this does sound lovely! It's VERY different going to the beach by yourself (or- with adult friends who are in charge of their own things) than taking the family there. This sounds like a perfect day. And I love the photo!

maya said...

Thank you, friends! <3

Getting older has many advantages! I wish we had been the sort of family that vacations with friends, but A would not have been happy about that, so we never did.

I plan to do more traveling with friends now that the kids have their own social circles.

Mom of Children said...

The beach alone or with a few close friends is what I love.

maya said...

Daria--I have never yet been to the beach alone...

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