Saturday, June 15, 2024

"Let's Go Nuts"

Took a break from writing (and housework) today to take myself out to the ball game. Friends had won a private box in a charity auction and invited me to go. The view was pretty nice from the top (of the stadium).

After I texted Big A to apologize about being wrong about something (I'm getting better at this!), I was able to relax and had a great time.

It was Star Wars night, so all the kids had light sabers and characters visited us periodically to remind us to have fun. The cheer for the Lansing Lugnuts is "Let's go nuts!" I think we did a bit. 

Pic: Fireworks at the end of the night, with little light sabers aglow in the stands.


Nicole said...

That looks so fun, Maya!

Nance said...

What a great photo! I can only imagine how fun it was to see all the kids and their light sabers.

Gosh, I think I admit I'm wrong about something at least once a week. I trust Rick's memory more than my own almost always, so when it comes to something based on remembering, I'm wrong a lot.

StephLove said...

Fun outing.

maya said...

Thanks, friends!

Nance--It was your comment on an earlier post that made me decide I should get better at admitting whenever I'm wrong!

NGS said...

What a perfect night for it! Minor league games are so much fun, even if you don't really follow sports.

maya said...

Engie--I asked whom we'd played against after the game was over... the person I'd been chatting with did not know either lol

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...