Tuesday, June 25, 2024

a handful of summer things

It feels like I just got home from a fun family beach vacation on Cape Cod because I just finished Catherine Newman's Sandwich. I'd picked it up on Nicole's recommendation. Actually, the whole novel felt like it was being narrated by Nicole with that characteristic sense of warmth, humor, personal history, and integrity. I snorted and chuckled and laughed out loud so much while reading this on the cloud reader, that everyone knew I wasn't working on my laptop. Also: Was there a character called Maya? (Yes, there was.) Was she the same age, and at the same stage in her PhD, as when I used to go up to Truro for a week every summer as a guest of a dear friend's family? (Yes, she was.) 

And inspired by something Jenny did a couple of weeks back, I treated myself to a trip to the bookstore. I browsed and browsed but didn't buy anything although I still have my birthday bookstore money to spend.

Also: I got a massage after months off.  Wonderful R, who used to make house calls, has moved away. I had bought myself some massage gift certs around the holidays, but the person was flaky about scheduling and then sent a group text that they couldn't honor the certs because they had been diagnosed with cancer. (They're being sued by a bunch of people who say they have proof this is a ploy. But I keep thinking what if they really do have cancer--how shitty would that be to have to fight these BBB claims while also fighting cancer and being impoverished by having to pay for treatments under our horrible healthcare system?) Anyway, I'd already spent half a year's budget on massages, so I had to wait until now. I got an acupressure session today, and it feels hurts so good right now.

Pic: Eating my colors. This is the poké bowl I made for Big A's Boss Day: Miso rice, shaved sprouts, grated carrots, chopped cucumber, avocado, cherry tomatoes, mango, and tiny peppers + broiled salmon/tofu. I was going to add arugula before plating, but I forgot.


Sarah said...

I love to eat a rainbow :) Can’t wait to read this book, and I LOVE going to bookstores and tutting things on hold at the library. I rarely buy books because it takes me FOREVER to finish them without an external deadline like a due date, which is weird because I am very much an upholder?

Sarah said...

Should say putting things on hold, but honestly I love tutting.

Sarah said...

**tut tut, you are now on my library list you hard covered beauty, tut tut.**

Nicole said...

I have allllll the heart eyes about this post. I mean, not the cancer part because that is a wild story, and I really hope that person doesn't have cancer but also, what a weird thing for a person to lie about. Actually I think I heard a podcast about that, some high profile woman who lied about having cancer. Anyway, does this make sense, who knows, but I love that you loved Sandwich - SO GOOD - and that bowl is perfection.

Jenny said...

Oh, it's funny that you mentioned it because I am on my way to the bookstore again today! I sometimes do that too- browse forever and then don't buy anything. Today I have a specific book in mind though...
I'm laughing at the book "narrated by Nicole." I would read a book like that!
That meal looks DELICIOUS. I need to make more salad meals.

maya said...

Sarah--I LOL-ed so hard at "tut tut, you hard-covered beauty."

Nicole--I CANNOT wait to read YOUR work! (About the cancer thing what a weird Catch-22... I want her not to have it, but then it means she's scamming.)


Jenny--I hope you had another nice visit. I'm thanking you for mine. Curious about the specific book you're stalking.

StephLove said...

Beautiful poke bowl. Also, that's quite the book recommendation (sounds like it's narrated by Nicole).

North has twin friends who told them both their parents had cancer at the same time and North believes it but because of some things I know about these kids, I'm not sure I do. But if it were true, how awful to doubt, so I haven't said anything skeptical (except to Beth).

maya said...

Steph--Exactly. I hope things work out for North's friends in either case.

Some instances of writing I was happy to see today:

*     All the progress I'm making with indexing the book--a task I've never undertaken before. *     The kind, nondramatic way the h...