Monday, May 06, 2024

weirdness, madness, and freaking the eff out

Weird: I thought I'd gotten poison ivy on myself from digging up myrtle to transplant. I could feel the blisters forming because I saw those pointy leaves in clusters of five... until I remembered the rhyme was "leaves of three/let them be" and realized I was ok...  and wouldn't you know it, the blistering sensation went away by itself. What a psychosomatic weirdo. 

Mad: I've felt so strange all day with the news from Rafah. Online acquaintances have basically been saying goodbye because there is nowhere to go--this is where they were told to go to be safe! People in power (Egypt, Qatar, USA, Israel) in the meantime are offering/accepting/rejecting ceasefire terms. The dissonance is so huge. I'm grateful for Macklemore's release of their single, "Hind's Hallfor amplifying the issue. Is it great art? Is it even hiphop? But I ain't mad about that.

Pic: Freaking Out: Max and Huck in a prelude to what Big A calls "face-fighting" where they growl and groan and mouth each other's faces. They're playing--sometimes with toys--and they never clamp down or bite, but it freaks me out every time. 


Gillian said...

Feel better.

StephLove said...

I'm glad you don't have poison ivy after all. That's no fun. Plus it's hard to get rid of (the plant, not the rash). We get it on our property every year.

Well, there might be a ceasefire, but it's not a sure thing, from what I read in the paper this morning.

Nance said...

Poison Ivy is the worst. We had a ton of it on our property both at home and at the lake. It's the devil to get rid of. Rick doesn't react to it, however, so that's a blessing.

I love the funny noise that pups make when they're play fighting. So cute.

maya said...

Thanks, Gillian.

Steph--We definitely have poison ivy--it gets A and my neighbors every year... Fingers crossed for the ceasefire.

Nance--I'm so glad to hear poison ivy doesn't bother Rick. I (like to) think I'm hardy that way too since A gets it every year, and I haven't yet. Yes--those puppy sounds are delightful <3

NGS said...

Do your dogs do the fake sneezing thing during play? Hannah does and I think it's TOO CUTE.

maya said...

Engie--YES! Yes, they do! It IS so cute!

Six for Saturday

1) Drama in the morning! Nu and Max discovered some grey, eyeless, blobby newborns by the picnic table on their morning walk. We googled to ...