Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Today I found...

1) Inside, I've been finding it really hot, so we had to bring up the electric fans from the basement early this year. 

2) In my email, I found a contract for an article accepted to an anthology--this has been years in the making!

3) In my closet, I found my favorite skirt from before we were married. It's faded now, but I wear it now and then because Big A once told me he liked it a lot. 

4) On my body, I've been finding bruises up and down my legs. Today I realized it's because I've been shoveling a lot of stuff in the garden this week, and I've been bracing the shovel's handle against my body as I use my body weight to budge things. I've got to stop doing this.

5) On the news, I found the NYPD's actions on the Columbia and CUNY campuses brutal and the footage terrifying. This is under the watch of a Dem mayor, governor, and president, so I'm not sure what new lows the November elections will bring.

6) Pic: In our front yard, I found some morels this morning in the woodsy patch. They usually pop up in May (I mean tomorrow is May, but still), so this is technically the earliest. I don't like being in the woods by myself, so although I could see our front door (literally), I kept looking around to reassure myself there were no surprise creatures hiding. I'm such a city mouse!


Gillian said...


maya said...

Thanks, Gillian!

StephLove said...

Congrats on the article.

I have a lot of old clothes I still wear, including a pair of socks I've had since high school! To clarify, they didn't last for four decades of wear. They were stuck at the very back of a drawer for most of that time and turned up a few years ago. I finally wore them out, but I'm loathe to get rid of them because they still have my laundry number from my dorm in Spain on the toe.

maya said...

Steph--Haha. Yeah, some of my old clothes are "finds" that get a fresh lease too.

The laundry number thing would definitely put those socks in the forever keepsake pile for me.


I walk this earth  as though  I own those skies in  daylight and delight wet, velvety evening and night  __________________ Pic: Someone'...