Wednesday, April 24, 2024

my beautiful baby

 It has been a year. Some days it feels like yesterday, some days it feels like a distant dream of love.  

There have been tears every day, every day I've journaled has been tagged "ScoutDay." But I'm not racked by sobs as much as I was in the beginning, I don't wail and keen out loud in a way that terrifies the people I'm with. I'm more "civilized" in my grief. And in some odd way, I feel more love. 

Scout was a very special love. Something I haven't mentioned here before is how he was a champion for people. The only times Scout barked at people was if they were being too loud. Big A and Nu tend to yell when they get upset, and Scout would have none of it. As Big A said, when Scout barked at you, it was a reminder to tone things down.

I love you, my darling, my beautiful baby. I wouldn't change anything about our life together except wish it had been longer. 


Nance said...

My sympathies for your profound loss. Scout was obviously a valued family member, deeply loved and appreciated. It was good that he had a rich life in a family who understood him and loved him for who he was.

StephLove said...

He was well loved.

maya said...

True, Gillian.

Nance--Thank you. Your words have helped in this difficult year.

StephLove--Thank you. That is the only consolation.

Sarah said...

Beatrix's 1-year was rough, too. Sending love to you.

(Ben met a dog at work yesterday that made him have dig feelings for the first time, but I still can't imagine a dog who is not her-- pets, man. **shakes head**)

maya said...

I thought of you this week, Sarah. We're linked in this sad life event for always. (And I think our loss kind of scared/scarred Engie a bit too.)

ordinary magic

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