Thursday, March 14, 2024

seeing red

Lysne Beckwith Tait, founder of Helping Women Period, presented to my WGS students today. She also set up a "menstrual products petting zoo" in class for people to check out. As she rightly pointed out, when menstrual cups, discs, and undies are in packaging, it is difficult to figure out if one would be comfortable using them.

I absolutely love the story of the growth of the organization--it started out after a conversation with friends and now influences, advocates, and educates--it was instrumental in repealing our tampon tax last year, for instance. Lysne's book Instigator: Creating Change Without Being the Loudest Voice in the Room comes out later this year, and I can't wait!

Pic: Saying goodbye to Lysne in the parking lot. Of course, the Helping Women Period van is red. Mid-cycle red.


Sarah said...

oooooh the petting zoo idea is such a good one. I need to host a menstrual product party for dorothy and friends when they get their periods. SO CRINGE.

Gillian said...


Nance said...

What a great idea, to show the actual products and let PEOPLE see them and touch them (not just women). I support that mission!

NGS said...

What a super smart idea. I'm glad you're bringing things like this to your students!

maya said...

Sarah, Gillian, Nance, and Engie--It was fun!

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