Monday, March 04, 2024

I march forth

It's only my fourth year of knowing my birthday doubles as "March Forth Day," but I'm carpeing everything I can out of the diem. 

It's the Monday after break, so there was tons to do. Plus, I had to send an overdue change of schedule postponing everything to both the publisher and editor. But I owned up and did that like a grown-up. Then I found some time to take myself out for a long walk and a long soak and read for an hour amidst my plants. 

Evening was dinner with the fam at Ruckus Ramen, and then back home for presents and cakes (pistachio-raspberry-lemon + a Whole Foods Chantilly cream with fruit as At is allergic to pistachios.)

I am ever so grateful for every minute of this. 

Pic: At's friend H took this picture of us (Big A, Nu, me, At). H also drew me a "three-legged cat" for my birthday, which I know I will hang on to for a while because... memories. 


Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Gillian said...

Happy Birthday

Nicole said...

I didn't put it together but March 4th is the perfect birth date for you! Wow! What a perfect day! Serendipitous!
That photo is gorgeous, that's a framer for sure. Your cakes also sound divine. Happy happy day!

StephLove said...

Happy (belated) birthday! Lovely photo. And two cakes, what more could you ask for?

Nance said...

What a great photo!

Your birthday sounds as if it were satisfying for the body as well as the soul. Just as it should be. Well deserved.

maya said...

Thank you, friends!! XOXO

Nicole--I think it's new-ish... my kid-self would have loved it so much had they known.

NGS said...

What a fabulous photo! Your family is very photogenic! And so cooperative!

maya said...

Engie--Thank you! I chuckled at "cooperative"--compared to Zelda, probably.

Sarah said...

March Forth! Could this BE any more perfect?! Happy birthday-- and that family pic is excellent.

maya said...

Thank you, Sarah!

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