Saturday, March 02, 2024

just killing time/filling the silence

mothers look away from me now
seconds abscond with sense 
in glissandos of angst

dreams pour out their sure poison 
I play it safe and then pretend 
--what? I don't understand

watching homes bloom in flame
and wart and scab into craters 
--I am an earnest surveyor

of everything left unsaid, noting
the news burns the day when 
it could be lit up with peace 

Note: Someday I will write a poem about Aaron Bushnell, but this is not it.
Pic: A mallard couple by themselves... they took to the water as we neared and I felt bad for disturbing their peace. Baker Woods Bog with L and T.


Nance said...

Oh, maya.

Your word choice in this poem is so good. I love the juxtaposition of Glissando and Angst; Bloom and Flame.

Wart and Scab both being used as verbs is awesome here.

The last stanza is beautiful in its imagery.

Nance said...

(Last note--wondering if removing the word 'up' might make the last line stronger? Just something to think upon.)

maya said...

Nance-- Thank you SO much! I'm so happy it spoke to you...

I decided to let the "up" stay--I like the contrast with the violent implications of "lighting something up."

a feast

There is a strange loneliness that descends at the end of a semester. There are all the goodbyes of the last day of class, commencement, put...