Tuesday, January 09, 2024

bright spots

First day of classes. I love the energy. Every term I decide I'm going to be cool about it, but like clockwork I end up loving these people (so much). 
I spent 12 hours on campus today, so it's a good thing I was able to decompress in my office (even if only for a handful of minutes at a time taking care of my now very twinge-y back and legs). 
Our search committee met a wonderful slate of candidates all of whom could be excellent directors of our writing center (choosing between them is going to be so tough though). 
We finally got enough snow for it to stick around and look wintry (I almost wiped out at the exit to work which hadn't been plowed; thank heavens for 4WD). 
Pic: I'm so thrilled by the resilience of my office plants who were ignored all winter break but appear to have thrived (one geranium even decided to bloom)!


Nicole said...

Oooh so much good stuff in here! I love how much you love your students. Those lucky people! Also, we got snow too. Turns out that when I don't have snow October-May, I find myself thrilled to get a little blast in January. Who knew?
Yay for your blooming geranium!

Nance said...

My geranium has been blooming, too! It was one that the local school kids left on my porch on the last day of school. It's a wonderful tradition that the school in our neighbourhood has: Each year, they leave 4" pots of geraniums at homes on certain streets with a note. This past summer was our street's turn.

I'm glad you have a connection with your students already. I found that to be the case myself so often. And your office is wonderful! What a retreat.

StephLove said...

Have a great semester. I hope your sore back and legs feel better soon.

StephLove said...

p.s. Your office is so pretty. And big!

NGS said...

Your office IS pretty! What an inviting space for people to come to.

We got a bit of snow yesterday, but it seems like there's a lot heading our way Friday, so hopefully I can let Hannah loose in a field of snow and see her living her best life. (That's me putting a positive spin on the snow instead of complaining about the roads, the shoveling, and the stress of work from home or not.)

Sarah said...

I hate hate hate driving on snow— glad you’re ok. I am getting a new car in August and it MUST be 4WD. Also, I love your design aesthetic— every picture is a delight of color.

maya said...

Nicole--I had the same reaction to our snow :).


Nance--thank you. And what a wonderful tradition! Is your geranium indoors? Although geraniums and begonias are supposedly annuals, many have lived and bloomed for years after I brought them indoors.

Steph--Thanks so much! I keep thinking I'll feel better the next day. The office isn't big at all (I stood in the doorway to take this picture), but I like it a lot!

NGS--Thank you. I strangely missed the snow. Also, I detest how muddy it has gotten without it.

Sarah--Definitely a bit more peace of mind with 4WD. And thanks :)!

Nance said...

maya--yes, I bring the geraniums indoors and put them in my kitchen garden window. It faces east. They love all the light and really thrive there until they can go back outdoors.

butte and beauty

We started the day with a sunrise hike in Papago Park and then I delivered Big A to his conference and took off for The Heard Museum of Amer...