Sunday, December 24, 2023

my good companions

Nu was a bit under the weather this morning and wanted to stay in bed. While I was getting peppermint tea and oatmeal to them, Big A took a look at me, gave me a tiny nibble of a treat and took me off for a hike on the Potawatomi Trail

By the time we got there, I was nice and mellow and then we spent four hours just scrabbling up and down the trail. It was slow going; on a flat surface we'd have logged 15-16 miles in four hours, but we got in just over ten miles because there was a significant amount of climbing. 

We were being silly and singing songs wrong and laughing and talking for the first couple of hours--we were mostly silent the last couple of hours as we tired, but that felt good too. 

We got back late + Nu didn't want to go + At forgot some meds and would be delayed, so we decided to stay home from the candlelight service at UU. Instead it was dinner and Rocky Aur Rani ki Prem Kahani (with just a little explaining about the old money-new money angle and the snatches of old film songs). 

When Nu was ready to head to bed, we did our traditional pajamas and books presents for the kids and they went off to bed happily laden with new books as usual. I prepped the breakfast pudding for tomorrow and then Big A helped me bring the kids' presents downstairs and put Max and Huck to bed. On to Christmas in earnest now. I am grateful I get to share this life with people who care so much for me.

Pic: Big A waiting for me at the top of a rise. I love how the tree roots criss-cross the path to make natural steps and terraces. Because The Overstory and Braiding Sweetgrass live in my head, I kept wondering if the trees do that to catch us in case we fall.


Nance said...

Have you read The Hidden Life of Trees by Wohlleben? It's more scientific, but very good. The illustrated version has breathtaking photos of trees. I've been a lifelong lover of trees, a trait instilled in me and my siblings by my father. He lovingly watered all our trees in our yard, even the towering mature ones.

I hope Nu is feeling much better and that they were able to enjoy Christmas fully. No one wants to be sick at Christmas.

I'm glad you got out in Nature. It's the best way to reconnect with Peace and Goodness.

maya said...

It was a good Christmas, hope yours was lovely too, Nance!

Thank you for the book rec (noted) and the good wishes for Nu (who recovered).

Love the story of your father watering the trees--I agree with him and you--the natural world is a steady joy.

Gillian said...

Happy holidays

StephLove said...

That's a long hike. Beth took one that was almost that long yesterday. I only accompanied her for the first leg of it because I failed to pack boots on this trip and it's quite muddy here. (There was a foot of snow that fell about a week ago and it had mostly melted by the time we got here 3 days ago and there's been some rain since then.) I have been walking, too, but mostly on paved roads and not trails.


1) They now know me by name at Hammond Farms where I get rocks and pebbles for the pond. We've been getting comfortable: The first day I...