Wednesday, November 15, 2023


I took myself out for a long walk before work this morning and it helped me figure things out. I remembered an agency I could approach for someone's emergency housing situation and the way to change the settings on a program that has been causing the first years some grief. 

It also solved the problem of what I'd be making for dinner: I made a white bean chili with rice.

Apparently that's what happens when you add leftover veggie pulao and rajma in a pot with fresh tomatoes and spinach and the jalapeno-elote appetizers you served over the weekend. After Nu and Big A had remarked on how tasty it was, I told them the alternate name for it was Diwali leftovers soup! Suckers! They didn't see that coming!

Pic: Geese and ducks on the Red Cedar. Shouldn't they already be headed somewhere else for the winter?


Sarah said...

I love when I can give my brain time to puzzle through solutions that have been just right there on the edge of my consciousness.

Nicole said...

There's nothing like a walk to just clear your brain and figure out what you need to figure out! Also, your dinner sounds delicious.

StephLove said...

I used to work though things sometimes while I was swimming. Hasn't happened in awhile. Not sure why.

Nance said...

"What's in a name? That which we call Diwali Leftovers would still taste as good."

Apologies to Shakespeare for that!

Gillian said...

Nice work.

NGS said...

A good walk solves almost all problems, I've found.

Chiconky said...

I love that clarity so much. Your picture reminds me of the scene I use whenever I do guided meditation

maya said...

Sarah--so many things could be solved if we just gave ourselves time! (But there's never enough time!)

Nicole, Gillian, NGS--Walking definitely used to be my go-to for problem solving, but I haven't been consistent in the last month...

StephLove--a friend just told me that her therapist suggested she take up swimming because it requires every bit of focus and then there's no room for worrying about other stuff. I like your experience of swimming for problem solving too. Regretting that I don't swim!

Chiconky--Wow--really? I'd take guided meditation recs from you if you have them!

StephLove said...

I guess I'm not a very focused swimmer because I think about all kinds of things. It's good for burning off anxiety if I'm worried about something, though.

"is it sad or is it good?"

I made time to watch The Goat Life  on Netflix. It's on a dominant South Asian theme (immigrant laborers forced into slavery in Saudi Ar...