Tuesday, October 10, 2023

somebody's news

the rain's reckless embroidery
brackish, gradual as my grief 
               the paralysis of its apologies
               natural as my sorriest excuse

I start another broken journey
into the wholeness of today

               forever is fevers of longing
               and fierce bruises growling 
your hypothesis of heavens 
a harbor dangerous as hope 

I'm grateful for fall break, the change of pace, and being able to take a break from the news today. 

After I took Nu to the school bus + Max and Huckie out to potty, I crept back into bed to read for hours. It felt glorious. Big A popped in after his meeting to marvel that I was still abed at eight and to check if I was sick. (I'm not!)

After a short rainy walk, a shorter weight session, and a very long soak, I stopped by the bookstore. I had a gift certificate from my birthday and more money on it than I remembered and got some extra stuff for Nu's birthday. 

Later, while texting, I discovered that At had the day off too, so we hung out to chat in person and got haircuts and pedicures. The stylist at the Supercuts was a bit mystified by the way my hair looked (I had cut my own hair the night before the semester started), but I admitted nothing. Also, it had been so long since I had a pedicure, that I didn't know there's now a "shellac" option where you can put your shoes right away with nary a smudge! How long has this been going on?!

Pic: Waterlilies and koi at Radiology Gardens.


StephLove said...

Enjoy your break. What a nice surprise finding you had more $ than you thought on the gift certificate. Also, nice to have a day with your eldest.

Gillian said...

Enjoy your poem, picture, and day.

maya said...

StephLove--yes--both delightful.
Thanks, Gillian!

NGS said...

Oh, man. I have only ever had shellac on my fingernails and that did some serious damage to my nailbed! Please keep me updated on if this happens with the pedicure!

Nicole said...

Ha! I always get shellac pedicures. I started in Calgary because I needed to wear winter boots after my pedis. I will never ever ever go back to regular polish!

Sarah said...

I on't like the UV situation for shellac AND I like getting a pedi every 3 weeks, so I usually do regular polish. But not having to wear the silly disposable shoes is pretty great

maya said...

Sarah's comment reminded me--the shellac is going great two weeks in. Not having to wear those fiddly disposable shoes IS pretty great.

Like Nicole, I don't know that I can go back to regular polish...

I hope it doesn't damage my nail beds a la NGS, and also I really hope I don't get skin cancer on my toes!

the many faces of care

We got a new set of knives (X-mas present) that I started using yesterday. I don't know if it was their unfamiliarity or if they're ...