Tuesday, September 26, 2023

just right!

O my heart. 

The bowls of salad Nu and Big A made to accompany the tiny pizzas they made for dinner looked like they were ready for the three bears in the Goldilocks story. 

It made me smile although I was nearly falling down from tiredness from being too hot all day in a twinset. (It was supposed to be cold!) 

I got the Papa Bear bowl because I'm the biggest eater of us three.  (But I do need to find a nice way to suggest that maybe we not team apples and avocado in the same bowl next time. 😄)

Pic: Bowls of salad that were not too big... not too small... but just right for today!


Nicole said...

Yummy, those look great. I'd take the biggest bowl too.

Gillian said...


maya said...


Sarah said...


NGS said...

LOL. When we make popcorn, I get a giant bowl all to myself and my husband gets a teeny tiny cereal bowl. It works for us!

StephLove said...

Pretty salads.

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