Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Home is where...

Home is where they take candid pics of you after you've been traveling for two days and are unwashed and puffy and texting your husband while your human kids loll on you.

Pic: At, me and Nu in a huddle. I actually love this pic of us. (Bangalore)



StephLove said...

Glad you arrived safely. It is a cute photo.

Nicole said...

Oh wow, you look absolutely gorgeous post-travel. I usually look like Nick Nolte's mug shot.

maya said...

Steph and Nicole, thank you. My kids regularly sprawl on me and it's nice to have a photo documenting it!

Nick Nolte LOLOL--I don't know where you get that from, Nicole, but the phrasing is hilarious!!

Gillian said...


just look up

I'm not alarmed  by the new  today                        forever is now                        remembering                          is ...