Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Wild: fires, fireflies, and fireworks

We started the day with an air quality advisory about smoky air from the wildfires. But... it seemed (by smell and sight) like any other summer day to me. 

Nu and I picked At up from work and went to FedEx to get pics for their Indian visas. I was so happy to have them both with me, I was being silly behind the photographer--making funny faces and tap dancing. At promptly got a fit of the giggles, but Nu who had to take their glasses off for the picture, couldn't see me at all, and managed to keep a straight face in the picture. 

When At, Nu, and I took Max and Huck for a walk around the back... fireflies! Their appearance is so magical every year. And this year, because I've been taking baby pee-pee pants Max out so much, I haven't missed a single day of their joy-inducing luminosity.

When I dropped At off around eleven, there were fireworks in the sky as we drove through old town in Lansing--I'm glad I got to see them even if a day late--I guess I had missed their fiery simulation of all my favorite things (like flowers, like stars) yesterday after all.

Pic: A fuzzy picture of the surprise fireworks through the windshield.


NGS said...

Fireflies! I haven't seen one yet, but I'll keep my eye out. I saw the first flower on a cup plant this morning, though, so summer is really progressing!

StephLove said...

We've had smoke a few days this summer and I could only smell it once. I find it hard to take the precautions you're supposed to when it just looks like a hazy day, but I'm trying to get in the habit of checking the AQI because it is dangerous when it gets up to a certain level.

Nicole said...

Fireflies don't live up here, and I remember the first time I saw them - in Mexico! - and it was so magical.

maya said...

NGS: LMK when you see fireflies. I know we're neighbors, so it can't be long now...

StephLove:I pay attention because At has severe asthma, but the report on the radio recommended *everyone* limit their outdoors time!

Nicole: I'm so happy you got to see fireflies. But I didn't realize there were places in the world without fireflies--a bit sad about that.

Gillian said...

Nice fireworks.


I think that was a solid vacation--it didn't feel "fake" to me at all. I had a lovely time, meeting people Big A works with wa...