Tuesday, July 25, 2023

"The News"

Five poems by my wonderful friend Jan are on hand-carved plaques at Beal Botanical Garden to celebrate the sesquicentennial.

"The News" 
The prairie dock rockets
toward the sun.
Its leaves are
as large as a page of the New
York Times. But though their
 business is boosting
circulation, their news is all
 about life.

Pic: "The News" by Jan Shoemaker at Beal Botanical Garden. Early morning trip with L. 


StephLove said...


We have poems on signboards around town, too. It's called Spring for Poetry because they change them out in the spring, but they're up all year.

Gillian said...

Cannot read in the photo.

maya said...

StephLove--your town has such cool public-facing stuff!
Gillian--I thought the carving was a bit difficult to read too...

Sarah said...

love this and love poetry just out in the world for people to encounter and make meaning from


Still feels unreal that At is now a 25-year-old, but we made it official with birthday biriyani, presents, and cake today. I think about all...