Monday, July 10, 2023

summer sanctuary

I met just one writing deadline (of three) on Sunday and I have a CASA report due tomorrow. Like Lawrence Kasdan says, "being a writer is like having homework for the rest of your life." I have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing the best I can. 

In the meantime, Big A keeps reminding me that it's summer. 

And Nu sweetly offered to go on a walk with me so I could talk through the knot in a writing project. We haven't gone yet... But I was so touched by their offer, which is exactly what I myself might have offered up to Nu or a student in a similar predicament.

Pic: Max insisting we take a break outside. I'm just so grateful for my patch of green, blue skies, a silly puppy, and time and health to enjoy them all.


Nicole said...

Oh Nu, how lovely! What a sweetheart. Good luck with your deadlines, Maya!

NGS said...

My husband has had a writing project where he was basically given an deadline of "whatever." I told him that his deadline was 7/15 and after that he had to pay attention to me for the rest of his summer! Ha! I'm high maintenance.

maya said...

Sarah--Exactly how I felt hearing them say it!

Nicole--Thank you!

NGS--Haha. That's the way to do it! This way he'll have a summer too. Everyone wins.

StephLove said...

That was a nice offer.

maya said...

StephLove, Right? It feels like we've come a long way...

Gillian said...

Nice day.

in the leaving and the love

I wrote this as a talisman  to protect my kids a sort of post-it  for peace                             for times parents become            ...