Thursday, July 27, 2023

Random (with emphases)

*      Always loved Sinead O' Connor for her voice and speaking up for all people. In the wake of her death, I'm realizing she was also all things socialist, feminist, Marxist, eco-socialist, anti-racist, pro-abortion, pro-trans, anti-colonial, pro-refugees, and pro-Palestine. What an immense loss to the world. Her use of the J. Krishnamurti quote "It is No Measure of Health to be Well Adjusted to a Profoundly Sick Society" randomly pops up in my head as a mantra.

*    Went to a 'celebration of life' for JS's husband who died two months ago. JS was so regal and wise and lovely, and it still broke my heart. But also, this is what I want for myself instead of a funeral. Poor Big A, he's really going to hate having to throw a party without me.

*     I was up all night talking to Big A about his job move and then panicking and  breaking out into hives--first arms, then legs, then my whole body. I had to Claritin and calamine myself to calm down.

*     I had four meetings this morning and then homework on that ACUE course. I must be smart about taking on summer responsibilities next year.

*    I rarely buy myself cut flowers in the summer when everything seems to be blooming outside, but DM brought me stalks of stargazer lilies on Saturday... nearly all the buds are open now, and OMG, it smells so wonderful.

Pic: DM's lilies in full bloom.


Nicole said...

Oh Maya, I have so much to catch up on. WHAT BIG MOVE FOR BIG A? I thought he was coming home? Oh no, please let me know, I hope you won't be long-distancing it again.
I was so shocked to hear about Sinead, I recently was thinking about her and her very traumatic upbringing. Now a few weeks later, she's died - and so young! Very sad.

Gillian said...

Nice flowers.

StephLove said...

I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

Sinead O'Connor was my exact age, which is kind of a shock. Very sad, especially for her surviving kids.

Gillian said...

Show more pictures of your house.

NGS said...

My father died at 56 and when I heard that Sinead O'Connor was only 56, it sort of spent me into a bit of a tailspin. So young! How little time I have left if I die at that same age! Just another little reminder to take full advantage of every day, right?

maya said...

Nicole--Licensing delays, so he can't work in MI yet. He was supposed to start in July... We're hoping for August, but that may be delayed too... Aaaaaaa!

Gillian--thank you!

StephLove--I'm right behind you there. I was listening to Prince when I heard the news and was thinking about how so many people I listened to in my teens are dead. Prince wrote "Nothing Compares to You" which SOC sang brilliantly.

NGS--I'm so sorry you lost your dad so young... Definitely a reminder, but not a nice one.

"is it sad or is it good?"

I made time to watch The Goat Life  on Netflix. It's on a dominant South Asian theme (immigrant laborers forced into slavery in Saudi Ar...